If the twin towers are going to be a very iconic and striking buildings in Perth, It has got to have a bit of reference of the city itself.
To generate Voronoi Cells, you need points and a boundary. The points are the extracted node points of the city in four categories - Traffic Junctions, Open Spaces, Commercial, Entertainment/Tourists.
Here are the point maps of the city, and these will give the "randomness" of the points on facade.
I was thinking of uploading some valid sketches here to show what I am actually doing and the possible final outcome.
Sketch on Pattern of the Carpark, this could possibly be the panel within the Voronoi cell structure. Ideally, the openings can be justified by the control of sunlight penetration. This sketch also include the possible outcome of the twin towers
This sketch look into the structure of the individual panel and also the Fenestration of the openings. The top sketches show the relationship of the buildings with the Perth Concert hall.
This is the rough idea of the form of the buildings. And the right bottom is the rough structure of the script.
This is a sketch by my tutor in exploring the sectional cell in relation to the human. Also exploring the possible paneling structure.
Established in 2004 by Andrew Kudless, Matsys is a design studio that explores the emergent relationships between architecture, engineering, biology, and computation. Based on the idea that architecture can be understood as a material body with its own intrinsic and extrinsic forces relating to form, growth, and behavior, the studio investigates methodologies of performative integration through geometric and material differentiation. The studio’s work ranges from speculative and built projects to the crafting of new tools which facilitate an interdisciplinary approach to the design and fabrication of architecture.
The Voronoi Script (a.k.a Point Set Reconstruction) from McNeel Wiki is a little bit too primitive. It restricted to only abounded by a box and the cells are either curves, polysurfaces or meshes. It's really hard to manipulate the generated cells. To achieve what I want, which the cell membranes as primary structure while having a curve opening, I started learning how to script in Rhino.
Scripting in Rhino is not new and getting more refine and powerful. I have gone through the basic introductory of scripting called vbscript for beginners downloaded from McNeel Wiki. Then I saw RhinoScript101 on the web as well. Spent the whole day in trying to create openings for voroni cells. Something like this posted by sonniewong on Caustic Surface: 3D Voronoi Script Test.
Here's my result with the script written by me.
What I did was -> Pick Polysurface -> Scale <1> Extractwireframe -> Join as Polyline -> CurveThroughPolyline -> PlanarSrf the Curve -> End (that was as far as I got last night)
Ideally, the close polyline of the cells can for planarsrf with the insetted curve. Then, I can extrude surface with a thickness. Let's see how it goes tomorrow.
I challenge the skin structure of the towers by making it more organic with Voronoi Cell System. Before heading into the actual structure itself, I studied on what Voronoi Cell is about and precedented works. As described in Wikipedia, a Voronoi
"... diagram is a special kind of decomposition of a metric space determined by the distances to a specified discrete set of objects in the space."
So, here's some of the models that I have done with the Voronoi Script. It takes me a while to know how exactly this plug-in works. And the pipe command in Rhino just too inconvenient because you've got to do it on every curve. So I have to use 3ds max's modifier to give the spline a thickness.
-> editable spline -> enable in view port -> radial (set thickness) -> editable mesh -> import back to Rhino (pain in the neck ... )
Here are a couple of results that I have made for the skyscrapers:
Today I dig into studying the structural element of CCTV by OMA. CCTV has a primary steel structure on the facade which wraps around the whole building as a loop. The pattern on the facade is purely generated from the resulting analysis by several structural engineering softwares.
To begin with, I would like to quote some lines from the Introduction of A + U special edition on CCTV by OMA written by Ole Scheeren. He questioned on the nature of skyscrapers and also the future typology of skyscrapers in relation to the urban development.
Shibata, N., CCTV by OMA: Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren, A+U, Tokyo, 2005.
" ... Is it a typology that has become the ultimate tool of financial speculation, enslaved to economics and devoid of contents? Is it nothing more than the constant and monotonous repetition of a piece of land in vertical direction, whose only aim is the profitable multiplication of the value of the ground, and whose only means of expression are reduced to striving for absolute height and dominance of the skyline of a city (if not the whole world)? Is nothing left but the self-referential quality of a vertical line, which desperately seeks (to compensate for the lack of) identity, with a decorative top sprouting a flower, pagoda style or modernist composition? Is the higher the better? all that remains? ... "
" ... After the promise of surprising programmatic variety in its initial incarnations (Manhatten), the skyscraper became emptier and emptier - and was finally adopted by Asia ... the ultimate symbol of tis modernisation at the very moment of its conceptual implosion ... "" ... It seems about time to no longer treat this typology as a commercial export product ( and subject it to the apparently irrevocable laws of Central Business Districts as their ultimate model), but instead to re-think the skyscraper as a potential for new urban manifestations ... " - end of quote
These questions stay valid, still, that, as we can see there are a lot of new typology in skyscrapers, e.g. challenging structure, modularisation, eco-towers. All these typologies have their validity with, undeniably, strong reasons/motives behind. CCTV does not exclude in this, what I called "A New Movement in Digital Architecture" which I have mentioned in my previous post. So maybe after many years later, CCTV will become like an avant-garde in the history of architecture.
Here are some of the highlighted writings in jpeg and some images of CCTV itself. Please click the image for better resolution:
Introduction by Ole Scheeren
Site Plan
Overall Diagrams
Structural Studies
Structural Study Models (there are really a lot of these by Arup!)